About Santa Cruz da Graciosa

Situated in the central group of the Azores archipelago, Santa Cruz da Graciosa is one of the prettiest and most traditional of all the islands. The white-painted houses and blue-trimmed doors of the small settlements are a distinctive feature of the landscape. Visitors will find a warm welcome and a laid-back atmosphere wherever they go. Santa Cruz da Graciosa was first settled in the 15th century and has a fascinating history. The island was an important base for whaling and whale oil production in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, Santa Cruz da Graciosa is a peaceful place where life revolves around farming, fishing and tourism. The island has a mild climate and is ideal for walking and exploring. There are some lovely beaches, including Praia da Vinha, which is sheltered by cliffs and has dramatic views out to sea. If you're looking for a quiet, traditional island where you can really get away from it all, Santa Cruz da Graciosa is the perfect place for you.

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