Properties For Sale in Castelo Branco - Luxury & Affordable Homes Available!
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Castelo Branco is a Portuguese district located in the Centro Region. The district capital is the city of Castelo Branco. The district has a population of 182,851 (2011) and an area of 4,208 km². The Castelo Branco district was created in 1836, when the former district of Belmonte was divided into two districts: Castelo Branco and Covilhã. The city of Castelo Branco is the district capital and the largest city in the district. The city is located in the eastern part of the district, on the right bank of the River Zêzere. The district of Castelo Branco is bounded to the north by the districts of Vila Real and Viseu, to the east by the district of Guarda, to the south by the district of Évora and to the west by the district of Santarém. The landscape of the district of Castelo Branco is characterized by the mountains of the Estrela massif and the Gardunha mountain range. The highest point in the district is the peak of the Estrela mountain, at 1,993 m. The climate in the district of Castelo Branco is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. The average annual temperature is 16 °C. The Castelo Branco district has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The city of Castelo Branco is home to a number of historical monuments, such as the Castelo de Bode Dam, the Convento de Cristo and the Museu Alberto Sampaio. The district is also home to a number of traditional festivals, such as the Festa do Espírito Santo, the Festa da Nossa Senhora da Assunção and the Festa de São Miguel.
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